Saturday, June 20, 2009

Green Tea v. Tea Tree

These ingredients have become as ubiquitous as jojoba oil was in the 80's. But I've noticed green tea and tea tree oil turning up in the most unlikely places. While searching for a life-friendly nail hardener, i.e. one that is formaldehyde-free, I found one with green tea extracts. And of course cosmetic companies have been pouring tea tree oil into everything from shampoo to face cream for ages now. Personally, I love it for healing spots and cuts, but the smell doesn't do anything for me. I was surprised to hear that some studies have linked the use of tea tree oil to an increased risk of infection and, somewhat alarmingly, gynecomastia in young boys.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vodka: Fail

Is this possible a 2009 thing? I just can't tolerate vodka. It seems kinda 90s.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Does anyone read magazines any more?

Is it just me, or does anyone read magazines anymore? When I was teen, magazines were an important part of my daily diet. I read everything I could get my hands on, voraciously and indiscriminately. Obvs. new media has steadily encroached steadily on print media's territory, but I still see racks of magazines every time I go to the drug store or the market. However, I rarely see anyone purchasing them.

The closest I get to reading mags these days is either at the salon or on the web. Jezebel's deconstruction of the ladymags is especially fine.