Sunday, July 30, 2006

Coffee Republic feature in today's Business section caught my eye. Although I'm not surprised they're in trouble, I was interested to learn that founder Hashemi is credited with bringing the American coffee bar experience to the UK. Something seems to have been lost in translation.

I went into one last year for the first time. My usual first-choice Caffe Nero was too crowded. Although the interior of Coffee Republic ticked most of the Seattle boxes, something was not quite right. The track lighting bleached out the fixtures and threw the general mess and chaos into high relief. The clientele, despite the location's proximity to London, looked like a cross-section of Little Britain minus the laughs. What really set me off, however, were the multiple issues of The Daily Mail scattered about. While I'm no fan of Starbucks, at least they know how to layer a vibe. Rest in peace, Coffee Republic.

Am enjoying a lazy Sunday. I'm determined to finish Hester Browne's latest this afternoon!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The freeias I bought yesterday have opened up in the heat.

Not much on today. Was up ridiculously early (5.30) to catch a coach to nowhere. Am back now in the comfort of my boudoir. Have run a bath to wash off the heat and grime of the day.

Can anyone suggest a nice bath oil? I've tried almost everything on the shelves of the high street, but I'm still not satisfied. The more obscure and hard to find the better.

Monday, July 24, 2006

While reading the Times on the train this morning, I came across a rather appropriate article on shopping. times2 featured Judith Levine's new book Not Buying It about her year without shopping. It was harder then she thought, despite the fact that she considered herself a non-shopper. Levine recognizes that our society not only encourages but depends upon consumption.

I'm of two minds when it comes to shopping. The blog is meant to be fun, but I realize there is a dark side to shopping. At best it's a diversion, at worst it's an addition. But we use shopping to make ourselves happy too. As Levine writes, "Shopping defeats, or at least circumvents, boredom. But not only because it fills idle time. Consumption is an exercise in hope--hope for more happiness, more beauty, more status, more fun". Hope's a good thing, but we should be careful where we look for it. Kudos to Sarah Vine for another well written article.

So, what did I buy today? Not much . . .

morning: coffee and a muffin, £2.30
afternoon: food, flowers and wine, £13.90


(> <)

the rabbit rocks!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I thought I'd blog about stuff I love to buy and like to have around. Feel free to share your thoughts.


Princess Shyness xx